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There are a variety of packages that uwot will make use of if you install them (and load them), but that you don’t need so are optional. These include:

  • RSpectra – used for the default spectral initialization. If not installed, then the irlba package is used instead. In most cases irlba does a fine job, but it’s not as fast as RSpectra for spectral initialization because irlba isn’t designed for quite the same use case as RSpectra.
  • RcppHNSW – used for nearest neighbor search. Once installed and loaded, you can specify nn_method = "hnsw" in uwot::umap as long as your metric is either "euclidean", "cosine" or "correlation". This should be a bit faster than the default of Annoy in most cases. If you use uwot::umap2 then you will get HNSW by default without having to specify nn_method.
  • rnndescent – used for nearest neighbor search. Once installed and loaded, you can specify nn_method = "nndescent" in uwot::umap. rnndescent can handle many metrics, so see its documentation for more information. If you use uwot::umap2 and do not load RcppHNSW, then you will use this method by default without having to specify nn_method. You can also use sparse matrices as input to uwot::umap2. See the sparse data article for more details.

My recommendation would be to install all of these (or at least RSpectra and RcppHNSW):

install.packages(c("RSpectra", "RcppHNSW", "rnndescent"))

and then have them loaded whenever you are using uwot.

The following UMAP run will then use RcppHNSW and RSpectra (versus RcppAnnoy and irlba) without you having to specify anything:

iris_umap <- umap2(iris, n_neighbors = 30)