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Originally written in December 2017, with some minor corrections and typos over the years. Some substantial new additions were added in December 2021 (these are called out in the text).

Spectral methods are only tangentially related to smallvis, in that a spectral method is available for initialization (Y_init = "laplacian" or Y_init = "normlaplacian") and that the attractive part of most of the cost functions approximates a spectral method. Various methods are related to each other, but the nomenclature is not always consistent between papers, and a lot of the more accessible material seems to be a bit unclear, so I need something brief(ish) to remind myself without having to work it all out over and over again every time. So it’s going here.

This page is just to remind me of the definitions of matrices and the algorithmic procedures, not anything to do with theoretical properties. For that, see the further reading section.

The Usual Preliminaries

We have a matrix of input data, \(X\), with \(N\) observations of \(K\) features.

Now let’s represent it as a fully-connected undirected graph, where each object in the dataset is a vertex, and the strength of the connection between each vertex is given by a weighted edge.

The graph is represented as a matrix, \(W\): an \(N\) x \(N\) matrix of edge weights (or “similarities” or “affinities”: you may also see the matrix written as \(A\)), where if \(w_{ij}\) is large, that means object \(i\) and \(j\) are considered similar. \(W\) is sometimes also called a kernel matrix and the function that generated the similarities as a kernel.

It doesn’t particularly matter for this discussion what the kernel function is. Let’s just say it’s a Gaussian function of the Euclidean distances (which it often is):

\[w_{ij} = \exp\left(-r_{ij}^2 / \sigma\right)\]

where \(r_{ij}\) is the Euclidean distance between point \(i\) and \(j\) and \(\sigma\) is a bandwidth parameter of some kind (you can set it to one and forget it exists if you prefer).

This function is sometimes referred to as a radial basis function (RBF) or the heat kernel.

What does matter is that \(W\) should be:

  • Symmetric.
  • Contain all non-negative values (i.e. positive semi-definite).

If \(N\) is large then it is usual to sparsify \(W\) by only keeping the \(k\)-largest values in each column. This creates the k-nearest neighbor similarity graph, which must then be resymmetrized (e.g. by adding the self-transpose).

If your data is naturally a graph, then you skip all of the above, you already have the data you need to create \(W\), which is now an adjacency matrix. It’s likely that in that case \(W\) is a sparse matrix, but that doesn’t matter for anything that follows.

Dealing with the Diagonal

If your \(W\) matrix is derived from a graph and you don’t have loops (i.e. no edges from a node to itself), then the diagonal of \(W\) will be all zeros. Kernel matrices usually have ones on the diagonal (an obvious consequence of a Gaussian kernel). What ends up on the diagonal doesn’t affect the relationship between the different graph Laplacians but can affect the numerical values themselves.

December 10 2021: I recently stumbled upon an example of where this difference lead to some confusion for me. The sklearn’s SpectralEmbedding class generates an affinity matrix (i.e. the diagonal contains all 1s), but to create the graph Laplacian derived from that affinity matrix, uses scipy’s csgraph.laplacian function. This returns a symmetrized normalized graph Laplacian (see below) calculated under the assumption that there are all zeros on the diagonal. This doesn’t have an enormous numerical effect on the output, but caused me some bewilderment.

December 11 2021: I just noticed that the spectral clustering method of Ng, Jordan and Weiss explicitly calls for setting the diagonal of the affinity matrix to zero. The Shi and Malik spectral clustering paper does not mention this (and the weight heat map figures in their paper suggest the diagonals are all 1s). I’m pretty sure that the diffusion map literature doesn’t mention doing anything special to the diagonal of the affinity matrix either. So I can’t give you any specific advice here. It’s probably not very important.

The Degree Matrix

The degree matrix is a diagonal matrix where each value in the diagonal is the sum of each edge associated with a vertex. In other words, sum the rows of \(W\) and put that in the diagonal of an \(N\) x \(N\) matrix. Or sum the columns; \(W\) is, after all, symmetric.

\[d_{ii} = \sum_{j} w_{ij}\]

Some Graph Laplacians

Now that we have \(W\) and \(D\), we can create some Laplacians, using the naming scheme given by von Luxburg:

Unnormalized Graph Laplacian

\[L = D - W\]

Also referred to as the combinatorial graph Laplacian by Tremblay and Loukas.

This is the one graph Laplacian in this document which is unaffected by the values on the diagonal.

Symmetrized Normalized Laplacian

\[L_{sym} = D^{-1/2} L D^{-1/2} = I - D^{-1/2} W D^{-1/2}\]

also sometimes called just the normalized Laplacian and referred to by the nomenclature \(L_{n}\), but see below for another normalized Laplacian, which makes this naming ambiguous.

\(D^{-1/2} W D^{-1/2}\) is sometimes called the (symmetrized) normalized adjacency matrix.

You will often see this normalization written as:

\[L_{sym \left(ij\right)} = \frac{W_{ij}}{\sqrt{D_i D_j}}\]

Random Walk Normalized Laplacian

\[L_{rw} = D^{-1} L = I - D^{-1} W\]

von Luxburg notes that this is also sometimes referred to as the normalized Laplacian, so it’s best to use the longer names von Luxburg uses to avoid confusion. And yes, \(D^{-1} W\) is also sometimes referred to as a normalized adjacency matrix.

Random Walk Transition Matrix

People really like giving \(D^{-1} W\) lots of different names:

\[P = D^{-1} W\]

Also called the Diffusion Operator in Socher’s report. This also means you can write the Random Walk Normalized Laplacian as:

\[L_{rw} = I - P\]

\(P\) is row-normalized (i.e. all rows add up to 1).

It’s also pretty easy to see that:

\[L_{sym} = I - D^{1/2} P D^{-1/2}\]

The matrix \(P_{sym} = D^{1/2} P D^{-1/2}\) shows up in the discussion of diffusion maps. The doesn’t seem to be a fixed name or symbol for it, so I will go with \(P_{sym}\) here in analogy with \(L_{sym}\) to indicate it’s a symmetrized version of \(P\).


As the “spectral” bit indicates, a lot of eigenvectors are going to be mentioned below. Usually the eigenvectors are sorted according to the associated eigenvalues.

Smallest and Largest

When I talk about “largest” and “smallest” eigenvectors, I am referring to the eigenvectors associated with the largest and smallest eigenvalues, respectively. The eigenvalues of interest are all non-negative and real, so there shouldn’t be any ambiguity about whether I mean a big negative or positive eigenvalue (none of them are negative except close to zero due to numerical issues).

“Top” Eigenvectors

The “top” eigenvectors also means the eigenvectors associated with the largest eigenvalues. This is commonly found in discussions of singular value decomposition, especially when used as part of principal component analysis, but can also find its way into discussions of spectral clustering and graph laplacians. The “top” eigenvector is sometimes referred to as the “dominant” eigenvector.

“First” Eigenvectors

I will also borrow the nomenclature of von Luxburg which refers to the “first” \(k\) eigenvectors as being the eigenvectors associated with the \(k\) smallest eigenvalues. There is a bit of a clash of naming here, as you might think that “top” and “first” eigenvectors refer to the same thing, but they don’t. In fact they have opposite meanings. Great.


Both versions of the normalized adjacency matrix \(D^{-1} W\) and \(D^{-1/2} W D^{-1/2}\), have eigenvalues that vary between -1 and 1.

For graph Laplacians, the the smallest eigenvalue is 0. For the normalized Laplacians \(L_{sym}\) and \(L_{rw}\), the maximum value an eigenvalue can attain is 2. December 9 2021: For proof, see Spectral Graph Theory, Part 5 of Lemma 1.7 in Section 1.3, ‘Basic facts about the spectrum of a graph’. At the time I write this, chapter 1 is freely available at the link above.

Connections Between Laplacian Eigenvectors

December 8 2021 While I have made a few typo corrections and clarifications since originally writing this, I am calling out this brief section because it adds some relationships that may be of practical interest: it’s better to choose the Laplacian format and spectral decomposition method that meets your robustness and speed needs, and then convert the result into what you want. You probably aren’t writing the software to do the linear algebra yourself so having flexibility over the choice of package you use for that can be very helpful.

The eigenvalues of \(L_{sym}\) and \(L_{rw}\) are the same. So if you just need the eigenvalues it doesn’t matter which of those Laplacians you use. We can therefore refer to \(\lambda_i\) as the ith eigenvalue in most cases of interest without having to worry about which of the two Laplacians we are referring to.

The eigenvectors are also related. If \(v_{rw}\) is an eigenvector of \(L_{rw}\) and \(v_{sym}\) is an eigenvector of \(L_{sym}\), then:

\[v_{rw} = D^{-1/2} v_{sym}\]

As a spoiler for later, the eigenvectors of \(P\) are the same as \(L_{rw}\) but after sorting, they are in reverse order, because the eigenvalues of \(P\) are equal to \(1 - \lambda\).

Further, \(P\) and \(P_{sym}\) have the same eigenvalues and the relationship between eigenvectors is the same as that between \(L_{rw}\) and \(L_{sym}\):

\[v_{P} = D^{-1/2} v_{Psym}\]

I mainly discuss the eigenvectors of \(L_{rw}\) below as these are most closely related to Laplacian Eigenmaps and Diffusion Maps. Assume if you see reference to a vector \(v\) without any subscript that this refers to the eigenvector of \(L_{rw}\).

Scaling the Eigenvectors

Eigenvectors aren’t defined to have any particular length. Different software will return the eigenvectors with different lengths, so you will need to make a decision about their length. The Laplacian Eigenmaps literature often refers to the smallest eigenvectors as a vector of 1s, so you could do that. The actual length will then depend on the dimensions of your matrices. The other obvious choice is to scale all the vectors to unit length. Forgetting to scale eigenvector output has been a common cause of temporary panic and wild goose chasing on my part when writing this document.

Laplacian Eigenmaps

Solve the generalized eigenvalue problem:

\[Lv = \lambda D v\]

The Laplacian Eigenmap uses the smallest eigenvectors. But not the very smallest eigenvector, \(v_1\), which is constant (we can scale it to be a vector of 1s), and corresponds to an eigenvalue of zero. So if you want to reduce to two dimensions, use the second-smallest and third-smallest eigenvectors.

Let’s do a brief bit of rearranging:

\[ Lv = \lambda D v \\ D^{-1} L v = \lambda v \\ \left(D^{-1} D - D^{-1} W \right) v = \lambda v \\ \left(I - P \right) v = \lambda v \\ L_{rw} v = \lambda v \]

So it turns out that the standard eigenvalue problem with \(L_{rw}\) will produce the same results as the generalized eigenvalue problem with \(L\) and \(D\). A non-generalized eigenvalue problem is preferable to the generalized problem, at least in R, because generalized problems require installing the CRAN package geigen. You could even use the eigenvectors of \(P\), although you have to bear in mind that the eigenvalues of \(P\) differ from \(L_{rw}\). Compared to \(L_{rw}\), when using \(P\) the order of the eigenvectors are reversed, i.e. you want those associated with the largest eigenvalues, ignoring the top eigenvector (which is the constant eigenvector). \(P\) might even be preferable because it’s ever-so-slightly less work to calculate than \(L_{rw}\). We’ll revisit the relationship between \(L_{rw}\) and \(P\) when we talk about diffusion maps.


Now that you have \(k\) eigenvectors, stack them columnwise to form an \(N\) x \(k\) matrix. I’ll label it \(Y\).

\[Y = \left[v_2 | v_3 | \dots v_k \right]\]

where, as noted above, we are not using the uninformative smallest eigenvector, \(v_1\). The rows of that matrix are the coordinates of the graph vertices in the reduced dimension, i.e. the ith row of the 2D Laplacian Eigenmap representing vertex i would be:

\[y_i = \left(v_{i,2}, v_{i,3} \right)\]

The Connection with Locally Linear Embedding

The Laplacian Eigenmap paper demonstrates a connection between LE and LLE, in that LLE is approximately computing the eigenvectors of \(L^2\), which has the same eigenvectors as \(L\) (and the square of the eigenvalues).

Spectral Clustering and Normalization

von Luxburg describes three different spectral clustering algorithms, which all involve forming a Laplacian matrix, calculating some eigenvectors, and the forming the reduced-dimension matrix \(Y\) from column-stacking the eigenvectors.

  1. Un-normalized: compute the first \(k\) eigenvectors of \(L\).
  2. Normalized (Shi and Malik): compute the first \(k\) generalized eigenvectors of \(L\). This is just what Laplacian Eigenmaps do, so from the above discussion we know that it is equivalent to computing the first \(k\) eigenvectors of \(L_{rw}\) (hence justifying the term “normalized”).
  3. Normalized (Ng, Jordan and Weiss): compute the first \(k\) eigenvectors of \(L_{sym}\). This version requires an additional row normalization step of the output matrix, \(Y\), before you can do clustering: normalize the rows so each row sums to one (unit norm normalization).

After some additional theoretical discussions, von Luxburg concludes that clustering on the un-normalized graph Laplacian has some undesirable properties, so you definitely want to use one of the normalized Laplacians for clustering. Of the two normalized Laplacians, the Shi-Malik approach (once cast in terms of using \(L_{rw}\)) is the least effort. A slight downside to \(L_{rw}\) is that unlike \(L\) and \(L_{sym}\), it is not symmetric, and symmetric matrices usually have access to slightly more methods (or more efficient methods) for solving the eigenproblem.

Conclusion: use \(L_{rw}\) (Laplacian Eigenmaps). December 8 2021 Probably I should have said: use the eigenvectors of \(L_{rw}\), but given the straightforward conversion between the eigenvectors of \(L_{sym}\) and those of \(L_{rw}\), you don’t need to form \(L_{rw}\) directly for computational purposes. In fact, see the ‘Using Truncated SVD’ section below for why you might want to operate on a matrix related to \(L_{sym}\) instead of \(L_{rw}\).

Diffusion Maps

Practically speaking, we can consider diffusion maps as a generalization of Laplacian Eigenmaps, but solving the eigenproblem for \(P\) rather than \(L_{rw}\):

\[P v = \mu v\]

The eigenvectors are the same whether you use \(L_{rw}\) or \(P\), but the eigenvalues are different, so I am using \(\mu\) instead of \(\lambda\) to differentiate them from the eigenvalues associated with Laplacian Eigenmaps and the usual spectral clustering algorithms. As it happens, the eigenvalues are related by:

\[\mu = 1 - \lambda\]

This does have a book-keeping consequence because we order the eigenvectors by eigenvalue. In diffusion maps, you keep the top eigenvectors, discarding ignoring the very top eigenvector which is constant (and has an eigenvalue of 1).

Because of the relationship between \(L_{rw}\) and \(P\), it turns out that you still end up using the same eigenvectors for diffusion maps as you do for Laplacian Eigenmaps, just the ordering is reversed.

Book-keeper Beware!

December 8 2021 There is a nuance to the book-keeping I just described that isn’t spelled out directly in most discussions of diffusion maps. It might be obvious to you dear reader, but I admit it took me four years to spot it. There is a (potential) clash between mathematical convention and the practicalities of creating a diffusion map via spectral decomposition of \(P\).

In mathematical discussions of the properties of eigenvalues, the absolute values of eigenvalues are often what’s of interest. This means if you ask for the largest eigenvalues for a matrix, you can get back the largest negative as well as positive eigenvalues.

This is of no relevance when ordering the eigenvectors of graph Laplacians: as mentioned in the “Eigenvalues” section above, the range of \(\lambda\) for \(L_{rw}\) is 0 to 2. No negative eigenvalues can be involved (except numerically close to zero). However, the story is different for the random walk matrices. The range of the equivalent eigenvalues (\(\mu\)) is between 1 and -1.

This means that you should be careful when using spectral decomposition libraries and check the order of returned eigenvalues. For example, both R’s built-in eigen function and the eigs function in RSpectra (the latter used in the diffusion map package destiny), return the eigenvectors ordered by absolute value by default. The same is true for the eigs function in the Python package scipy.

Therefore, unless you go out of your way to specify the order in which to return the eigenvectors of \(P\), the largest eigenvectors of \(P\) are not necessarily going to be the same as the smallest eigenvectors of \(L_{rw}\).

I looked at a couple of implementations of diffusion maps (for example, a gist by Rahul Raj, the pyDiffMap package, the megaman package) and the ordering of the eigenvectors seems to be consistent with using \(L_{rw}\), i.e. they take into account the sign of the eigenvalues, or shift the \(P\) matrix to avoid the eigenvalues changing sign.

The diffusion map literature doesn’t really get into any details about ordering the eigenvectors (or specifically what “largest” means), but diffusion maps are usually positioned in these papers as being a generalization or extension of spectral methods on graph Laplacians, so following the same ordering would make sense there. Muddying the waters a bit for me is this early paper on diffusion maps which says the eigenvalues of \(P\) (called \(M\) in the paper) “form a non-increasing sequence of non-negative numbers”, which confuses me: while if that was true it would remove the ambiguity of ordering the eigenvalues, it doesn’t seem to be true. I must be missing something there.

Anyway, I am fairly sure that the eigenvectors you use in diffusion maps are the same ones you use with Laplacian Eigenmaps, but let’s hold onto the possibility that I am wrong about that and you should actually order the eigenvectors based on the largest magnitude of the eigenvalues of \(P\), which would be an interesting departure from the Laplacian Eigenmap approach.

Scaling the Eigenvectors

However the eigenvectors are ordered, once you have them, the eigenvalues are used to scale the eigenvectors when forming the \(Y\) matrix. For example, here’s what one row of \(Y\) would look like in the simplest 2D diffusion map case:

\[y_i = \left(\mu_{N-1} v_{i,N-1}, \mu_{N-2} v_{i,N-2} \right)\]

where \(v_N\) is the uninteresting top eigenvector of all 1s (and \(\mu_N = 1\)).

Where does the diffusion come in? \(P\) can also be thought of as a transition matrix of a Markov chain: a large \(p_{ij}\) means that \(i\) has a high probability of transitioning to \(j\). And because you can evaluate the probabilities at time step \(t\) by creating the iterated matrix \(P^{t}\), you can get a sense of the geometry of the data at different scales by seeing how the probability changes over time. And there’s not even that much extra work to do: the eigenvectors of the iterated matrix are the same as the original matrix \(P\), and the eigenvalues are given by \(\mu^{t}\).

For a give value of \(t\), the 2D diffusion map at time \(t\) is therefore:

\[y_i = \left(\mu_{N-1}^{t} v_{i,N-1}, \mu_{N-2}^{t} v_{i,N-2} \right)\]

where \(N\) is the total number of eigenvalues. If you want an even more obvious connection to Laplacian Eigenmaps (and slightly clearer notation):

\[y_i = \left[\left(1 - \lambda_{2}\right)^{t} v_{i,2}, \left(1 - \lambda_{3}\right)^{t} v_{i,3}\right]\]

Because the values of \(\lambda\) are in increasing order, this makes it easier to see that the effect of \(t\) is to relatively upweight the contribution of later eigenvectors in determining the distance between points on the map.

Anisotropic Diffusion

So Diffusion Maps are just like Laplacian Eigenmaps but with some slight stretching of the axes. Big deal! Actually, there’s a bit more to them than that. You can also define different diffusion operators. At this point, sadly, I’ve never actually seen the procedure written down unambiguously. Both the Socher report and Wikipedia page seem to leave out some steps. Here’s my attempt. I’ll try and stick with the notation I’ve seen used elsewhere, which is truly unfortunate.

December 8 2021: The pyDiffMap package seems to carry out a procedure very close to what follows, so this should be reasonably reliable.

The full procedure is something like:

  • Form \(W\) and \(D\) as usual.
  • Specify \(\alpha\), the anisotropic diffusion parameter, a value between 0 and 1.
  • Normalize \(W\) according to \(\alpha\):

\[W^{\left( \alpha \right)} = D^{-\alpha} W D^{-\alpha}\]

  • Form a new diagonal degree matrix, \(D^{\left( \alpha \right)}\), based on the new kernel matrix, \(W^{\left( \alpha \right)}\):

\[d^{\left( \alpha \right)}_{ii} = \sum_{j} w^{\left(\alpha\right)}_{ij}\]

  • Form a new diffusion operator using the new kernel matrix and the inverse of the new degree matrix (notation is not great here):

\[P^{\left( \alpha \right)} = D^{\left( \alpha \right)-1} W^{\left( \alpha \right)}\]

  • Generate the diffusion map using \(P^\left( \alpha \right)\), and scale the eigenvectors with the eigenvalues as described above.

  • If you want to use a symmetrized version of \(P^{\left( \alpha \right)}\), then form:

\[P^{\left( \alpha \right)}_{sym} = D^{1/2} P^{\left( \alpha \right)} D^{-1/2} \]

and remember to convert the the eigenvectors back via:

\[v_{P\left(\alpha\right)} = D^{-1/2} v_{P\left(\alpha\right)sym}\]

As far as I can tell, you could also define \(P^{\left( \alpha \right)}_{sym} = D^{\left(\alpha\right)1/2} P^{\left( \alpha \right)} D^{\left(\alpha\right)-1/2}\), as long as you remember to convert back by \(v_{P\left(\alpha\right)} = D^{\left(\alpha\right)-1/2} v_{P\left(\alpha\right)sym}\), so you could just choose whichever is most computationally convenient to you.

It’s particularly lamentable that you have to deal with reading both \(D^{\left( \alpha \right)-1}\) (the inverse of the diagonal matrix \(D^{\left( \alpha \right)})\) and the entirely different \(D^{-\alpha}\) (invert the diagonal matrix \(D\), then raise the resulting diagonal values to the power of \(\alpha\)).

When \(\alpha = 0\), you get back the diffusion map based on the random walk-style diffusion operator (and Laplacian Eigenmaps). For \(\alpha = 1\), the diffusion operator approximates the Laplace-Beltrami operator and for \(\alpha = 0.5\), you get Fokker-Planck diffusion.

Using Truncated SVD

December 8 2021. For symmetric graph Laplacians, it should be possible to use a truncated SVD to get the eigenvectors and eigenvalues. In terms of packages and routines available, it’s always seemed to me that there are a lot more options for SVD than for eigenvalue problems.

For this approach to be feasible for large matrices, you still need access to both a truncated SVD routine (i.e. one that doesn’t need to calculate all the singular vectors at once) and one that works with sparse matrices. It’s likely you won’t want to code all that up from scratch. And it’s probably not going to be as fast in all cases as a dedicated eigenvalue library.

But if you find yourself in a situation where you do have access to fast SVD routines, but not to eigenvalue problem solvers, this might be worth considering.

Connection Between SVD and Spectral Decomposition

For a symmetric real matrices like \(W\) and \(L_{sym}\), the complete set of singular vectors and the complete set of eigenvectors are the same. Also, the singular values and the absolute values of the eigenvalues coincide.

Can we use this to our advantage? To a certain extent, yes. If we are able to do a full SVD on \(L_{sym}\), we can replace the spectral decomposition. However, as we want the smallest eigenvectors of \(L_{sym}\), the equivalent singular vectors of the SVD are the bottom singular vectors. Therefore we need to do a full SVD and that gets more and more computationally demanding as the size of \(L_{sym}\) grows.

It would be preferable to use the top singular vectors rather than the bottom singular vectors. Then we can make use of truncated SVD approaches like irlba which run in far less time and memory and hence scale to larger matrices.

Something like the \(P\) matrix would be ideal because we want the top eigenvalues from that matrix. A couple of minor problems to overcome though:

  1. \(P\) isn’t symmetric, an obvious deal-breaker. However, \(P_{sym}\) is symmetric, has the same eigenvalues and it’s easy to convert the eigenvectors.
  2. The eigenvalues of \(P\) and \(P_{sym}\) range from -1 to 1. This is a slightly subtler problem. Singular values are always positive, i.e. we lose track of the sign of the eigenvalues and only get their magnitudes through SVD. Unfortunately, this ruins the ordering of the singular vectors. For \(P\), when we say we need the largest eigenvectors, we mean the most positive. We can get around that by taking advantage of the fact that shifting a matrix by \(\alpha I\) (\(\alpha\) being a scalar value) shifts the eigenvalues by \(\alpha\). The eigenvalues of \(\alpha I + P\) are therefore \(\alpha + \mu\). Picking \(\alpha=1\) means the eigenvalues of \(I + P_{sym}\) are in the range of 0-2, which is safe for us to run SVD on. December 26 2021: the megaman python package forms a similar matrix, but adds \(\epsilon I\) (with \(\epsilon = 2\)) to ensure the smallest eigenvalue is larger than zero and hence the matrix is positive definite rather than positive semi-definite (see See comments in the spectral_embedding. Probably the reason is that a positive definite matrix is a requirement for using the LOBPCG eigensolver, so this shouldn’t be an issue with the SVD approach I advocate here. We don’t use the singular vectors corresponding to the zero eigenvalue so the fact that there is no guarantee that the right and left singular vectors are the same for that singular value in the positive semi-definite case shouldn’t be relevant.
  3. Ordering the vectors is now very confusing: for graph Laplacians, we were talking about the \(k\)th eigenvector as that associated with the \(k\)th smallest eigenvalue, but when using \(P\), it’s actually the \(k\)th largest eigenvalue. And now we have brought SVD into the mix where the singular vectors are ordered by decreasing singular value: the \(k\)th singular vector is that associated with the \(k\)th largest singular value.

A Truncated SVD recipe

December 30 2021: Thanks to a reddit comment on spectral embeddings I have discovered that several network embedding methods (e.g. NetSMF) use truncated SVD to get eigenvectors of graph Laplacians, similar to what is described below.

Here’s a procedure for calculating eigenvectors I’ve talked about here via truncated SVD. As noted above, indexing can get confusing, but it is consistent in the sense that if you stick with the convention of ordering eigenvectors from smallest to largest, and ordering singular vectors from largest to smallest, the \(k\)th eigenvector and \(k\)th singular vector are the same (and the eigenvalues and singular values are converted easily).

  1. Form \(W\) and \(D\).
    • If you want a diffusion map, form \(W^{\left( \alpha \right)}\) and \(D^{\left( \alpha \right) - 1}\).
  2. Form the symmetric matrix \(I + D^{-1/2} W D^{-1/2} = I + P_{sym}\), or \(I + P^{\left(\alpha\right)}_{sym}\) for diffusion maps.
  3. Via truncated SVD find the first \(k + 1\) singular vectors.
    • The top singular vectors correspond to the smallest eigenvectors of \(L_{sym}\).
    • To put it another way: the kth largest singular vector is the same as the kth smallest eigenvector.
    • The kth smallest eigenvalue \(\lambda_k\) and the kth largest singular value, \(d_k\) are related by \(\lambda_{k} = 2 - d_{k}\).
    • Just as the case with the smallest eigenvector, the singular vector associated with the largest singular value is constant.
  4. If you want the eigenvectors of \(L_{rw}\), convert in the normal way, i.e.  \(v_{rw} = D^{-1/2} v_{sym}\).
  5. The diffusion map eigenvalues are \(\mu_{k} = 1 - \lambda_{k} = d_{k} - 1\).

Is this actually worth considering, especially given that none of the diffusion map packages I looked at in R or Python use SVD directly?

When comparing this approach using irlba versus getting the eigenvalues more directly via RSpectra, I didn’t notice any slowdown. However this was in the context of initializing a UMAP embedding in the R package uwot, and the spectral decomposition was not a noticeable computational bottleneck in the first place. The main advantage for me would be that uwot already uses irlba for PCA in various places, so I would be able to remove RSpectra as a dependency. This is a decision that has already been reached independently in umappp (another UMAP implementation, this one in C++).

I was able to find one dataset where the truncated SVD approach was slower than using RSpectra: embedding a 1D line from a 3D to 2D: i.e. a dataset with 3 columns: one increasing in value from 1 to N, the other two columns being all zero. irlba was much slower in this case. This experiment was inspired by a bug report in the UMAP project, but may not be representative of real-world data.

There could be some more advanced uses of spectral clustering where SVD is the best choice. For example, in 2001 Inderjit Dhillon published a paper on bipartite spectral graph clustering, where SVD can be applied to a smaller matrix than would be needed if solving a generalized eigenvalue problem directly (the difference in matrix size doesn’t seem that big, though).

Repeated Eigendirections

In the previous section I mentioned getting the Laplacian Eigenmap for a 1D line embedded in 3D. Assuming you get a good converged result, the output using the first two eigenvectors is a parabola. This is a generic problem when there is a high “aspect ratio” in a dataset, i.e. the manifold extends much more in one direction than another. Successive eigenvectors will contain information about the same coordinate. This problem was described as “repeated eigendirections” by Gerber and co-workers and is also discussed at length by Goldberg and co-workers. For more on this, see the discussion by Kohli and co-workers and especially the references they point to (under ‘Laplacian Eigenmaps’ in section 1.3). At this point I’d love to say “and here’s the easy solution that’s been discovered”, but that doesn’t seem to be the case, so see the above papers and the references therein for more suggested fixes.

The Kernel PCA Connection

Kernel PCA describes quite a similar process to everything described above: you create a square affinity matrix based on the kernel function (usually called the Kernel matrix, Gram matrix or Gramian matrix), but instead of forming a graph Laplacian matrix from it, do SVD on the kernel matrix directly. This relies on the “kernel trick” (I don’t actually know who first coined that phrase): the value of the kernel matrix element \(w_{ij}\) can be seen as the result of transforming \(\mathbf{x_i}\) and \(\mathbf{x_j}\) into some high-dimensional space (this mapping function is usually labelled as \(\Phi\)), and then taking the dot product. Hence you don’t need to ever actually map the data into the high dimensional space or to even know what \(\Phi\) is. As discussed way at the beginning of this document as long as \(W\) is symmetric and positive semi-definite, then you have a kernel that works with the kernel trick (such functions are often referred to as a Mercer kernel).

A difference between the spectral methods and kernel PCA is the normalization of \(W\). Doing PCA requires mean-centered data and in kernel PCA this means the transformed data should also be mean-centered. But the whole point of the kernel trick is to avoid having to actually form the transformed data. Instead, the kernel matrix is double centered: \(W_{norm} = \left(I - \frac{1}{N}\mathbf{1} \right) W \left(I - \frac{1}{N}\mathbf{1} \right)\) where \(\mathbf{1}\) is an \(N\) by \(N\) matrix of all 1s. This normalization results in the row and column means all being zero.

For more on this, Bengio and co-workers (PDF) have a technical report connecting spectral clustering with kernel PCA and Ham and co-workers describe how graph Laplacians can themselves be considered kernels.

Standard linear PCA fits into Kernel PCA by using the “linear kernel”, i.e. the dot product of the the input vectors: you can get the principal components or loadings or whatever you are looking for whether you use the scatter/covariance matrix (\(W'W\)) or the Gram matrix (\(WW'\)), subject to some scaling of eigenvalues here or a matrix multiplication with \(W\) there. If you are doing PCA, you usually need to center your input data anyway, and the double-centering that kernel PCA does has no effect on the eigendecomposition.

So if the linear kernel is good enough for PCA, is it good choice for an affinity matrix for spectral methods? Unfortunately not because there’s nothing to stop a dot product from being negative. This isn’t a deal breaker for kernel PCA because a positive definite kernel doesn’t actually have to produce positive values from its inputs. The eigenvalues of the resulting kernel matrix do have to be all positive, but attempting to construct a graph Laplacian matrix from that won’t give a matrix with the properties we need. There seems to be a small amount of literature on graph Laplacians with negative edge weights but it doesn’t seem like something I would get very excited about at the moment.

Further Reading

I try to link to official DOI URLs and the like where possible, and not post links to copyright-busting PDFs. The tutorials and reports by von Luxburg, Horaud, and Socher are good places to start.

  • The main reference on the properties of graph Laplacians is the monograph Spectral Graph Theory by Fan Chung. The actual amount of the book I have read can be rounded down to 0 though.

  • The connection between t-SNE and spectral clustering is discussed in detail in Clustering with t-SNE, provably.

  • Although I haven’t looked very hard, the earliest example of a mention of t-SNE with a spectral method I’m aware of is in The Elastic Embedding Algorithm for Dimensionality Reduction (PDF), which draws a connection between t-SNE and Laplacian Eigenmaps. That paper also mentions that Diffusion Maps use normalized affinities (i.e. t-SNE-like normalization to probabilities), but I haven’t seen this point made elsewhere.

  • For more on the properties of the heat kernel, see e.g.  Sun and co-workers or Tsitsulin and co-workers.

  • Von Luxburg’s A Tutorial on Spectral Clustering collects a lot of material on the definitions of graph Laplacians and the relationship of eigenvalues and eigenvectors. Doesn’t get into Diffusion Maps, though.

  • Radu Horaud’s Graph Laplacian tutorial (PDF) also covers some of the ground of the Von Luxburg tutorial and expresses the relationship between the eigenvectors of \(L_{sym}\) and \(L_{rw}\).

  • Another review on spectral clustering by Tremblay and Loukas.

  • The Locally Linear Embedding method turns out to be related to Laplacian Eigenmaps. A wonderfully practical tutorial, packed with R code is given in Cosma Shalizi’s lecture (PDF)

  • The Laplacian Eigenmap paper is quite readable and demonstrates the connection with LLE. It also attempts to justify the now-ubiquitous use of a Gaussian kernel for at least the input affinities.

  • The wikipedia page on Diffusion Maps has one of the clearer statements of the algorithm which includes the diffusion parameter, but confusingly redefines the matrix it’s called \(W\) as \(L\), even though it was already using \(L\) for an entirely different purpose.

  • Richard Socher’s report “Manifold Learning and Dimensionality Reduction with Diffusion Maps” on Diffusion Maps (PDF) is a very good place to start on all this, but tragically I think there are some missing symbols in the description of the algorithm.

  • The first PNAS paper on Diffusion Maps is where you should go for the definitive statement on the method, but for someone with my level of mathematical sophistication (i.e. close to zero) it’s very hard going.

  • An easier-going diffusion maps paper by Coifman and Lafon, which explicitly positions diffusion maps as a generalization of ideas expressed in Laplacian eigenmaps.

  • An introduction to diffusion maps (PDF) which has a fairly clear appendix laying out the definition and properties of \(P_{sym}\).

  • The Shi and Malik paper on spectral clustering.

  • The Ng, Jordan and Weiss spectral clustering paper.

  • A nice visual tool for spectral clustering.

  • The earliest mention (as far as I know) of the repeated eigendirections problem as the cause for the distortion in Laplacian eigenmaps.

  • There is a longer version of Inderjit Dhillon’s paper on bipartite spectral graph clustering published as a technical report (TR-01-05), but it’s only available from The University of Texas at Austin via FTP: ftp://ftp.cs.utexas.edu/pub/techreports/tr01-05.pdf. This is no longer a very web-browser friendly protocol, so have fun scrounging around for a more conveniently hosted version.

  • NetMF and variations like NetSMF and NetMF+ make use of Truncated SVD to get eigenvalues of graph Laplacians in the field of network embedding.

  • A popular review of kernel methods.

  • A more recent (as of 2021) review on kernels in machine learning that has references to other papers that connect kernel PCA to spectral methods.

Some code

For a bit of experimentation on graph Laplacians, there is some R code at: https://gist.github.com/jlmelville/772060a26001d7d25d7453b0df4feff9

Python code is at https://gist.github.com/jlmelville/8b7655fb4803ce49e4f560d316b04a46.

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