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The Spectral Direction describes an approximation to the Hessian used in t-SNE and related methods, which can be used in a Newton-like optimization. For methods which use symmetrized affinity (or probabiity) matrices, a good approximation of the Hessian of the attractive part of the cost function is just the graph Laplacian multiplied by 4, where the graph Laplacian is formed from the input affinities/probabilities matrix.
Being a Newton-like method, this requires a Cholesky factorization, followed by forward/back-solving to solve the usual \(\mathbf{B}p = -g\) equation. The Cholesky factorization is O(N^3), which the forward/back-solving part is “only” O(N^2), so for this solution to be scalable, the Cholesky factorization is carried out only once at the beginning of the optimization, and the graph Laplacian is sparsified. This isn’t a bad approximation for the attractive part of the cost function because the elements are linearly proportional to the probabilities, which are by construction extremely close to zero outside the k-nearest neighbors of any observation, where k is the perplexity.
doesn’t care for scalability, so its
implementation of the above doesn’t enforce sparsity. A very similar
approach to spectral directions was described by van
der Maarten (PDF) which also didn’t attempt to enforce sparsity (it
should also be noted that the van der Maaten approach also doesn’t
attempt to enforce positive definiteness, which could lead to the
optimization failing). In this paper, the Cholesky factorization didn’t
dominate the computation time: the dataset used was a subset of MNIST
with n = 5,000, so similar in size to the largest datasets considered
here. Therefore we can probably get away with ignoring sparsity.
However, results in this paper were much less detailed than those
presented in the spectral directions paper though (sadly, no
visualization of the delta-bar-delta versus partial Hessian resulting
coordinates are shown).
The line search in Spectral Direction uses a simple back-tracking search looking to fulfil the Armijo/sufficient decrease criterion with \(c_1 = 0.1\) (using the notation in Nocedal & Wright), starting with \(\alpha = 1\) (the Newton step) on the first iteration and then initializing subsequent values of \(\alpha\) with the final result from the previous iteration. This is, as the authors note, a conservative strategy because the line search can never grow again, and if one iteration rejects the Newton step, it can never be tried again. van der Maarten’s experiments use a normal Wolfe line search, with \(c1 = 0.02\) and \(c2 = 0.9\). The L-BFGS results hardly shone when using a full Wolfe line search (which is a requirement for the quasi-Newton methods). So we will try two strategies: the first will be to use Spectral Direction with a Wolfe line search, with the step size allowed to vary freely (grow and shrink) at each iteration. We’ll also look at a back-tracking line search, but initialize from the Newton step (\(\alpha = 1\)) at each iteration.
As usual, see the Datasets page.
For the backtracking line search, the default armijo setting from
of c1 = 1e-4
was used, rather than
c1 = 0.1
, which would be equivalent to the spectral
directions paper. That probably doesn’t make much difference.
To try and keep the optimization within a reasonable resource usage
compared to the delta-bar-delta default, the convergence settings for
were set to max_gr = 1000
(maximum number
of gradient evaluations) and step_tol = 1e-6
(stop if the
final \(\alpha\) for any iteration is
less than 1e-6
). This still results in more resource usage
than using DBD, because the line search uses function evaluations as
well as gradient evaluations, which DBD only carries out when logging
every 100 iterations.
Initialization was from a scaled PCA using the first two PCs, without any input data scaling. The van der Maaten experiments also initialized from PCA, presumably without any scaling. No early exaggeration was used: the spectral directions and the van der Maaten experiments don’t either. The target perplexity was 40.
Example invocations are given below:
# Spectral Direction with default Wolfe line search
iris_specd <- smallvis(iris, Y_init = "spca", opt = list("specd", step_tol = 1e-6, max_gr = 1000), scale = FALSE, ret_extra = c("DX", "DY"), perplexity = 40)
# Spectral Direction with backtracking line search
iris_specd_bt <- smallvis(iris, Y_init = "spca", opt = list("specd", step_tol = 1e-6, max_gr = 1000, line_search = "backtracking", step_next_init = 1, step0 = 1), scale = FALSE, ret_extra = c("DX", "DY"), perplexity = 40)
For each initialization, the mean neighbor preservation of the 40
nearest neighbors, calculated using the quadra package. The
number reported is the mean average over all results and is labelled as
in the plots. 40 was chosen for these results to
match the perplexity
For each dataset, four results are shown below. On the first row, the
left image shows results using spectral direction with a Wolfe line
search; the righthand image is the results for using spectral direction
with backtracking line search. On the bottom row, the left and right
hand images are those from using default mize
settings with Wolfe line search, and the default smallvis
DBD settings respectively. These used the same initialization, input
scaling and perplexity. The L-BFGS results were not restricted in the
number of gradient evaluations or step tolerance they were allowed, so
have an unfair advantage (although they still had to stop after 1000
iterations). Although perplexity scaling via
gave better results for L-BFGS than using
a single perplexity, these results are not used for comparison here.
As usual, for the smaller datasets, results are all pretty consistent. Also the Fashion MNIST sample is reliably non-separable in 2D. Differences in the MNIST digits are worth looking at, though. The spectral directions results look better than the L-BFGS results, although not quite as good as the DBD results.
Restricting the line search to back-tracking seems to have basically no effect on the results. Visually, the MNIST results are better with back-tracking in fact. Tentatively, I would recommend back-tracking line search with spectral directions, which at least agrees with the original spectral directions paper.
These experiments didn’t use early exaggeration. It’s possible that early exaggeration is more useful than spectral directions: the Barnes-Hut version of t-SNE, despite also being written by van der Maaten, doesn’t use the partial Hessian approach but does use early exaggeration. Indeed the importance of making the exaggeration larger than for smaller datasets is stressed. Possibly for large datasets, the Cholesky decomposition starts to dominate the calculation time. Or, as noted by Yang and co-workers in their experiments, the spectral direction method is unstable when used with early exaggeration.
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