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A brief run-through of t-SNE and its variants. Although t-SNE is the most well-known, there were actually two less successful versions of SNE before it.


All the methods here follow the following basic procedure for both the input and output distances.

  1. Square the Euclidean distances between all points.
  2. Weight the distances to produce weights (or affinities or similarities), ranging from 0 to 1, with a larger weight meaning the points are more similar (closer together).
  3. Normalize the weights into “probabilities”.
  4. Optimize the Kullback-Leibler divergence between the input and output probabilities.

Input similarities always use a Gaussian kernel, with a bandwidth calibrated by fixing the perplexity for each probability distribution associated with a point. Normally this is a number between 5-50 (and usually in the 30-50 range).

Differences between the methods arise from:

  1. How the affinities are normalized into probabilities.
  2. What output kernel is used.

Asymmetric Stochastic Neighbor Embedding

The original SNE, re-dubbed ASNE in the t-SNE paper. This uses the gaussian kernel for the output distances, but unlike the input kernel, no calibration of bandwidths is carried out: the bandwidth is 1 for all points. Normalization is carried out point-wise, i.e. the normalized output weight associated with point \(q_{ij}\) is generated from the output weight \(w_{ij}\) by \(q_{ij} = w_{ij} / \sum_k^N w_{ik}\). This creates \(N\) separate probability distributions and the input probability matrix \(P\) is not symmetric. In fact it’s better thought of as \(N\) probability distributions arranged row-wise so that each row sums to 1. Elsewhere in these docs I refer to this type of normalization as “row-normalization”.

Symmetric Stochastic Neighbor Embedding

SSNE (PDF) differs from ASNE only in its normalization scheme. Now, the normalization is pair-wise: \(q_{ij}\) is generated from the output weight \(w_{ij}\) by summing over all pairs of distances: \(q_{ij} = w_{ij} / \sum_{kl}^N w_{kl}\). The output probability matrix \(Q\) is therefore symmetric by construction and sums to one.

For the input probability matrix \(P\), symmetry is enforced by averaging \(p_{ij}\) and \(p_{ji}\). To ensure the probabilities also now sum to one, they are then divided by their sum. I refer to this division by the grand matrix sum as “matrix-normalizaton” to distinguish it from the row-normalization step.

t-Distributed Stochastic Neighbor Embedding

t-SNE modifies SSNE by changing the output kernel from Gaussian to the t-distribution with one degree of freedom.

Weighted t-Distributed Stochastic Neighbor Embedding

wt-SNE is a variant on t-SNE that weights the output affinities \(w_{ij}\) by an “importance” measure \(m_{ij}\). In this paper \(m_{ij}\) is defined as the product of the degree centrality of points \(i\) and \(j\) in the input space. The degree centrality is the sum of the weights of the edges incident to a node in a graph. This is effectively the sum of the columns of \(P\), although other interpretations are possible. My interpretation is, I believe, perfectly in keeping with what’s written in the paper, but keep in mind that this may not be quite the same as what the authors intended or what leads to the results presented in their paper.

This isn’t a terribly well-known method, and even the original authors don’t seem to have re-used this method in subsequent papers concerning themselves with t-SNE and its variants. However, I was curious about it, and otherwise there would only be three results per dataset, so we may as well look at it here.


See the Datasets page.


Apart from visualizing the results, the mean neighbor preservation of the 40 closest neighbors is used to provide a rough quantification of the quality of the result, labelled as mnp@40 in the plots.


Here’s an example of generating the results using the iris dataset. For ASNE and SSNE, values of eta were chosen that showed decent behavior on the iris dataset: convergence within 1000 iterations without a hint of divergence, e.g. the error increasing during an “epoch”. These settings were applied to the other datasets without any further fiddling, so to be on the safe side, I allowed for double the number of iterations (max_iter = 2000) than for t-SNE.

fashion_wtsne <- smallvis(fashion, scale = FALSE, perplexity = 40, Y_init = "spca", 
method = "wtsne", ret_extra = c("dx", "dy"))
fashion_asne <- smallvis(fashion, scale = FALSE, perplexity = 40, Y_init = "spca", method = "asne", ret_extra = c("dx", "dy"), eta = 0.1, max_iter = 2000)
fashion_ssne <- smallvis(fashion, scale = FALSE, perplexity = 40, Y_init = "spca", method = "ssne", ret_extra = c("dx", "dy"), eta = 10, max_iter = 2000)


For each dataset, the first row shows t-SNE on the left and weighted t-SNE on the right. The lower row shows ASNE on the left and SSNE on the right. The bottom row methods therefore all use the Gaussian output kernel rather than the t-distribution, so we should expect to see more points concentrated in the middle of those plots.


iris t-SNE iris wt-SNE
iris ASNE iris SSNE


s1k t-SNE s1k wt-SNE
s1k ASNE s1k SSNE


oli t-SNE oli wt-SNE
oli ASNE oli SSNE


frey t-SNE frey wt-SNE
frey ASNE frey SSNE


coil20 t-SNE coil20 wt-SNE
coil20 ASNE coil20 SSNE


mnist t-SNE mnist wt-SNE
mnist ASNE mnist SSNE


fashion t-SNE fashion wt-SNE
fashion ASNE fashion SSNE


I feel like I must have misunderstood how wt-SNE works, because I just can’t see any meaningful difference between it and normal t-SNE. Oh well.

ASNE and SSNE give pretty similar results visually. You can see some differences if you stare hard enough, e.g. the center of the s1k and oli plots seem a bit less crushed. But looking at the fashion and mnist results, it’s hard to argue that there’s a meaningful difference.

Both ASNE and SSNE results converged quicker than t-SNE. Despite the amount of time spent describing the difficulty of optimizing ASNE, the delta-bar-delta method used in the t-SNE paper worked on SSNE and ASNE just fine.

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