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Perplexity is the only free parameter in t-SNE that may need some tweaking. The best way to think of it is as controlling the size of the neighborhood around each point that the embedding attempts to preserve. The t-SNE paper notes that SNE “is fairly robust to changes in the perplexity, and typical values are between 5 and 50”. How to Use t-SNE Effectively goes into a bit more detail about the effect of perplexity. Too low a value will lead to small disconnected clusters, while too large values lead to circular plots with points approximately equally spaced.

There isn’t much literate on how to choose a perplexity value. Cao and Wang suggest an empirical method, which due to its resemblance to the expression for the Bayesian Information Criterion in model selection, they call the pseudo-BIC (pBIC). This adds an extra term penalizing larger perplexities to the final error:

\[ pBIC = 2KL(P||Q) + \frac{Perp}{N} \log N \] Here \(KL(P||Q)\) is the final error (Kullback-Leibler divergence) from the embedding, \(Perp\) is the perplexity, and \(N\) is the number of observations in the dataset you’re embedding.

Otherwise, the general advice is to try different perplexities over the usual 5-50 range and see if there’s one embedding that looks more visually pleasing than the others. We’ll look at the following values: 5, 25, 50 and 100, which cover the usual range, with 100 representing a value that is larger than what is usually recommended.


See the Datasets page.


Apart from visualizing the results, we’ll also put the pBIC value for each embedding in the title. The result with the lowest pBIC should be the “best” result. The oli and coil20 datasets are also used in the pBIC paper, although the method outlined there used a larger number of perplexities.


For settings, we’ll use the ones given in the original t-SNE paper, except with scaled PCA initialization rather than random initialization and obviously we’ll be trying different perplexities. Also in my experience, lower perplexities require more iterations, so I am going to allow for ten times the number of iterations than usual to avoid any issues with the visualizations not having settled down after the usual 1000, although if large changes do occur, that is an obvious downside to choosing a low perplexity!

Example command for embedding iris with perplexity = 5:

# iris perplexity 5
# set ret_extra to TRUE so we can get back the final error for use in the pBIC.
iris_p5 <- smallvis(iris, scale = "absmax", perplexity = 5, Y_init = "spca", eta  = 100, exaggeration_factor = 4, stop_lying_iter = 50,
ret_extra = TRUE, max_iter = 10000, epoch = 100) 


Below are the final embeddings for each dataset, with the perplexities marked on the title.


iris perp 5 iris perp 25
iris perp 50 iris perp 100

As will become a pattern, pBIC suggests the perplexity = 5 is the best model.


s1k perp 5 s1k perp 25
s1k perp 50 s1k perp 100

Again pBIC suggests the perplexity = 5 results as the best.


oli perp 5 oli perp 25
oli perp 50 oli perp 100

Yet again, pBIC says that the perplexity = 5 result should be favoured. For this dataset, it does create tighter clusters, so it’s not a terrible choice.

The pBIC paper suggests a perplexity of 12 for this dataset. I tried this, but the pBIC was higher than for the perplexity = 5 result. Perhaps I don’t know how to calculate pBIC correctly?


frey perp 5 frey perp 25
frey perp 50 frey perp 100

pBIC says… perplexity = 5. As usual.


coil20 perp 5 coil20 perp 25
coil20 perp 50 coil20 perp 100

At last some variety. pBIC indicates that perplexity = 25 is the correct choice. This is a bit ironic, as for once I think that the perplexity = 5 results might be slightly better in terms of displaying the loops. The pBIC paper says that perplexity = 64 was best for this dataset. But like oli, when I tried that perplexity with the settings used here, it wasn’t an optimal value according to pBIC.


mnist perp 5 mnist perp 25
mnist perp 50 mnist perp 100

Back to business as usual with pBIC recommending perplexity = 5. Although it also thinks perplexity = 100 is just as good.


fashion perp 5 fashion perp 25
fashion perp 50 fashion perp 100

A bit of a surprise here. pBIC picks the perplexity = 100 model.


Results presented so far used 10,000 iterations, which is ten times larger than the t-SNE defaults. For smaller datasets (e.g. iris, s1k, oli), this is more than enough to attain convergence when using a large perplexity. However, particularly at perplexity = 5, the KL divergence drops noticeably between 1000 and 10,000 iterations. This is particularly obvious with coil20, where the error is reduced by a further 26%, mnist (19%) and fashion (18%). The effect is much less pronounced at perplexity = 25, where the largest change in error going from 1000 to 10,000 iterations is for coil20, where the error only reduces by 8%.

While there is a definite quantitative effect on the final KL divergence by going to 10,000 iterations at a low perplexity, what sort of visual effect does it have? Below are the results for perplexity = 5 with the left hand image being the embedding after the default max_iter = 1000, and the right hand image that of max_iter = 10000 (and which are repeated from the results above).

iris perp 5 max_iter = 1000 iris perp 5
s1k perp 5 max_iter = 1000 s1k perp 5
oli perp 5 max_iter = 1000 oli perp 5
frey perp 5 max_iter = 1000 frey perp 5
coil20 perp 5 max_iter = 1000 coil20 perp 5
mnist perp 5 max_iter = 1000 mnist perp 5
fashion perp 5 max_iter = 1000 fashion perp 5

For the datasets where the final KL divergence was most affected by optimizing for longer (coil20, mnist, fashion), the results at 1000 iterations are clearly still a work in progress. The overall shape is definitely there (even the various loops for coil20), but the clusters haven’t yet compressed and separated, so the visualization is less clear.

Note also that the pBIC values are noticeably inflated at 1000 iterations. As this is an effect that only occurs at low perplexity, it’s possible that this could cause the pBIC results to be biased, but probably not in a way that makes much difference.


The results shown here demonstrate that, as the t-SNE paper suggests, the perplexity doesn’t enormously affect the results between values of 5-50, although I would suggest that a value between 20-50 is a better range for initial experimentation. Of the four values tried here, the perplexity = 25 results seem the most visually useful across all datasets. coil20 seems to retain more of the loop structure with perplexity = 5, but is a bit of an outlier compared to other datasets used here.

At larger perplexities, clustering starts to be affected for smaller datasets (e.g. s1k, iris), although even perplexity = 100 works fine for mnist and fashion and has the advantage of converging more quickly.

perplexity = 5 results, while consistent with the other results, does give a less smooth visualization, and takes a lot longer to get there. Unless you have a reason to believe that such a low value is necessary, there doesn’t seem to be a lot to be gained from it. I would recommend doubling the number of iterations to max_iter = 2000 in this case too. Going all the way to 10,000 iterations is overkill for all the datasets tried here. The KL error doesn’t need to be particularly tightly converged in order to get a usable visualization. Using a good starting point for initialization (e.g. the PCA-based initialization I used here) also really helps for low perplexity, particularly compared to the usual random initialization which is the default for t-SNE.

Using only the 4 perplexities I tried in these experiments, pBIC didn’t seem that helpful. For all but two datasets, it chooses the perplexity = 5 result, which seem less visually pleasing than the perplexity = 25 results to my eyes. Probably using more perplexities between 5 and 40 would provide better granularity. I was unable to confirm the results from the pBIC paper. Perhaps the difference was down to the difference in initialization. Or I am unable to calculate the pBIC correctly.

Finally, bear in mind that perplexity is only valid between \(1\) and \(N - 1\), where \(N\) is the number of observations in the dataset. Setting perplexity = 50 for the iris dataset implies something very different than doing it for mnist (even the 6,000 subset I use here). It’s better to think of perplexity in terms of the fraction of the size of the dataset. Results are definitely and try and take into account the clustering that might be inherent in the dataset and the degree of overlap. Of course, that’s often unknown, data is normally full of differently sized clusters and the point of running t-SNE is to get a grasp on the structure of the data in the first place, so that’s not very helpful advice. How to Use t-SNE Effectively notes that the problem of choosing a single global perplexity “is something that might be an interesting area for future research”, but there’s not been much progress in the department. For one potential solution, take a look at multiscale JSE, although I am unlikely to implement it in smallvis any time soon. For now, I suggest starting with a perplexity around 30 and taking things from there.

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