December 12 2021: reworded all uses of “generalized” momentum (a term of my own bad invention) with “unified momentum” as used by Zou and co-workers. Also, pointed to the expression for Nesterov momentum in the Nadam paper.
When writing about Nesterov Accelerated Gradient and Momentum I wrote out a formula that made it easy to interpolate between Nesterov accelerated gradient (NAG) and classical momentum (CM), and then discovered that Quasi-Hyperbolic Momentum seemed to do the same thing. It is not immediately clear from the presentation in the QHM paper if the expressions are exactly the same, so here are some notes on my efforts to rewrite QHM into a form closer to the NAG page.
A brief definition of the symbols I use:
Any of these can vary with iteration which is marked by the subscript \(t\). Most importantly for this discussion, the update vector is always:
\[ v_t \overset{\mathrm{def}}{=} \theta_t - \theta_{t-1} \]
it can be expressed in other ways depending on the type of momentum being used, but that definition always holds. Also, the steepest descent step is:
\[ s_t \overset{\mathrm{def}}{=} -\varepsilon_t \nabla f\left(\theta_t \right) \]
Some others will be introduced as I need them. I used equivalence symbol (\(\equiv\)) for definitions on the NAG page, but I thought I would change it up and use \(\overset{\mathrm{def}}{=}\) for this page, just to see which one looks nicer on the screen. I’m sure I am using them both incorrectly, but hopefully the intention comes across.
\[ \theta_{t+1} = \theta_t + s_t + \mu v_t \]
\[ \theta_{t+1} = \theta_t + \left(1 + \mu \right) s_t + \mu v_t - \mu s_{t-1} \]
From the above, it’s pretty easy to come up with a scheme to interpolate between CM and NAG:
\[ \theta_{t+1} = \theta_t + \left(1 + \beta \mu \right) s_t + \mu v_t - \beta \mu s_{t-1} \]
where \(\beta = 0\) gives CM and \(\beta = 1\) gives NAG. The earliest publication I am aware of that gives this expression is Zou and co-workers from 2018. I’d love to know of any earlier uses.
In the QHM paper, a “damped” or “normalized” expression for momentum is given. This reweights the expression so that the weighting coefficients of the gradient descent and the momentum term sums to one. The idea here is to stop the length of the update, \(v_t\) from being dependent on the momentum, i.e. in the above expressions, the more momentum you have, the longer the step sizes will be. This confounds any analysis of how momentum helps: better direction or just a longer step size?
Damping CM just means weighting the gradient descent by \((1 - \mu)\). For NAG, this requires weighing \(s_t\) (and \(s_{t-1}\)) by \((1 - \mu)\) in all parts of the expression to take into account that it is making a smaller contribution everywhere.
\[ \theta_{t+1} = \theta_t + \left(1 - \mu \right) s_t + \mu v_t \]
\[ \theta_{t+1} = \theta_t + \left(1 - \mu^2 \right) s_t + \mu v_t - \left(1 - \mu \right) \mu s_{t-1} \]
\[ \theta_{t+1} = \theta_t + \left(1 + \mu \right) \left(1 - \mu \right) s_t + \mu v_t - \left(1 - \mu \right) \mu s_{t-1} \]
\[ \theta_{t+1} = \theta_t + \left( 1 + \beta \mu \right)\left(1 - \mu \right) s_t + \mu v_t - \beta \left(1 - \mu \right) \mu s_{t-1} \]
The advantage of the damped expressions is that if you “unroll” an expression (with gradient descent on the first step) the update vector is just a weighted average of previous updates, i.e. the weighting factors sum to one without any normalization needed.
\[ \theta_{t+1} = \theta_t + \left( 1 - \nu \mu \right ) s_t + \mu v_t - \left( 1 - \nu \right ) \mu s_{t-1} \]
\(\nu = 0\) gives gradient descent, \(\nu = 1\) gives damped classical momentum, and \(\nu = \mu\) gives damped NAG.
The QHM expression above seems to differ from the one given in the QHM paper. Also, it’s not immediately apparent that \(\nu = 0\) gives gradient descent, despite my assertion.
Here we’ll start with QHM update in a way that most resembles how the paper expresses it and then rewrite it into the form above. The QHM update is in a form that is both “damped” and assumes a constant learning rate, that latter allowing the extraction of the \(\varepsilon\) out of the various update rules. Don’t worry about why the QHM authors want to do that for now.
Also, I need to introduce a couple of new symbols.
First, we won’t be evaluating the gradient of the objective function \(f\) anywhere except at \(\theta_t\), so let’s define a short-hand to represent the gradient at iteration \(t\). It makes perfect sense to me to represent the gradient using the symbol \(g\), but the QHM authors had other plans, and use that to represent the “momentum buffer” (see below). To avoid confusion with the notation in the paper I will reluctantly choose a different symbol. The QHM authors use \(\nabla \hat{L} \left( \theta_t \right)\) for the gradient of the objective function, so let’s define:
\[ l_t \overset{\mathrm{def}}{=} \nabla f\left(\theta_t \right) \]
Second, QHM uses the expression close to the (damped) classical momentum update, which is calls the “momentum buffer”. But note that it is not the update vector used in QHM, so we can’t call it \(v_t\). The QHM authors refer to this as \(g_t\), but I refuse on principle to use this notation as I am incapable of not mistaking that for the gradient whenever I read it. Instead we’ll call it \(m_t\) (as in m for momentum):
\[ m_{t+1} = (1 - \mu) l_t + \mu m_t \]
We are now ready to see the QHM update:
\[ \theta_{t+1} = \theta_t - \varepsilon \left[ \left( 1 - \nu \right ) l_t + \nu m_{t+1} \right] \]
When \(\nu = 0\), we get back plain old gradient descent. That is quite easy to see.
December 12 2021: Before contorting the QHM equation further, the rest of this section is new, mainly to draw attention to how QHM also generates Dozat’s version of NAG in the Nadam paper.
With \(\nu = 1\), the only thing left in the square brackets is the momentum buffer \(m_{t+1}\) which combines with \(\varepsilon\) to give the damped classical momentum update. That’s also quite easy to see.
What’s less easy to see is that \(\nu = \mu\) gets you damped NAG. I’d like to draw your attention to the immediate result:
\[ \theta_{t+1} = \theta_t - \varepsilon \left[ \left( 1 - \mu \right ) l_t + \mu m_{t+1} \right] \]
The bit in the square brackets has an identical form to the momentum buffer except that \(m_{t}\) has been replaced by \(m_{t+1}\). For some reason I find this delightful:
As I have apparently made a hobby of collecting different researchers giving different expressions for Nesterov momentum, here I must point out that this is the form of the Nesterov momentum expression given by Dozat in 2016: see equation 11.
Anyway, substituting in \(m_{t+1}\), we get to:
\[ \theta_{t+1} = \theta_t - \varepsilon \left[ \left( 1 + \mu \right ) \left( 1 - \mu \right ) l_t + \mu^2 m_{t} \right] \]
That’s closer to the damped NAG result, but there is a conspicuous absence of contributions from the gradient step at the previous iteration, and it’s still written in terms of the momentum buffer and not the NAG update vector (although that’s not necessarily a bad thing). Now is the time to do some jiggery-pokery to the QHM equation and see what comes out.
The update vector for QHM is:
\[ v_{t+1} = - \varepsilon \left[ \left( 1 - \nu \right ) l_t + \nu m_{t+1} \right] \]
Let’s expand:
\[ v_{t+1} = - \varepsilon \left( 1 - \nu \right ) l_t - \varepsilon \nu m_{t+1} \]
and rearrange for \(m_{t+1}\):
\[ m_{t+1} = - \frac{\left( 1 - \nu \right ) l_t}{\nu} - \frac{v_{t+1}}{\varepsilon \nu} \]
and then subtract one from each subscript to get an expression for \(m_t\):
\[ m_t = - \frac{\left( 1 - \nu \right ) l_{t-1}}{\nu} - \frac{v_t}{\varepsilon \nu} \]
Next, let’s substitute the \(m_{t+1}\) in the QHM update with the momentum buffer update expression:
\[ \theta_{t+1} = \theta_t - \varepsilon \left[ \left( 1 - \nu \right ) l_t + \nu (1 - \mu) l_t + \nu \mu m_t \right] \]
and group the \(l_t\) terms together to get:
\[ \theta_{t+1} = \theta_t - \varepsilon \left[ \left( 1 - \nu \mu \right ) l_t + \nu \mu m_t \right] \]
Now we can substitute in the expression for \(m_t\) we just came up with:
\[ \theta_{t+1} = \theta_t - \varepsilon \bigg\{ \left( 1 - \nu \mu \right ) l_t + \nu \mu \left[ - \frac{\left( 1 - \nu \right ) l_{t-1}}{\nu} - \frac{v_t}{\varepsilon \nu} \right] \bigg\} \]
to give:
\[ \theta_{t+1} = \theta_t - \varepsilon \left[ \left( 1 - \nu \mu \right ) l_t - \mu \left( 1 - \nu \right ) l_{t-1} - \mu \frac{v_t}{\varepsilon} \right] \]
Finally, let’s expand the bracket, using \(s_t = -\varepsilon l_t\) to give this three-term QHM expression:
\[ \theta_{t+1} = \theta_t + \left( 1 - \nu \mu \right ) s_t - \mu \left( 1 - \nu \right ) s_{t-1} + \mu v_t \]
Hopefully it is now easier to see that if you subsitute \(\nu = \mu\), you get damped NAG, and \(\nu = 1\) gets you damped classical momentum. With \(\nu = 0\), when QHM should give us gradient descent, the expression looks a little odd as there are still terms that contain \(\mu\):
\[ \theta_{t+1} = \theta_t + s_t - \mu s_{t-1} + \mu v_t \]
If you wade through the expressions above, you’ll see that \(v_t\) can be written as:
\[ v_t = \left( 1 - \nu \right ) s_{t-1} - \varepsilon \nu m_t \]
And when \(\nu = 0\) the second term disappears so we get:
\[ \mu v_t = \mu s_{t-1} \]
Therfore, for \(\nu = 0\), the second and third terms in the three-term QHM equation cancel, leaving just gradient descent as expected.
I have been unsuccessful in coming up with an undamped version of QHM which generalizes to NAG, CM and steepest descent. Which is not to say it can’t be done.
QHM goes one step further to also assume a fixed learning rate \(\varepsilon\) at each step. The advantage of that can be seen by unrolling the classical momentum (undamped to be as clear as possible) for a few steps:
\[ \theta_2 = \theta_1 + s_1 \\ \theta_2 = \theta_1 - \varepsilon l_1 \\ \implies v_2 = - \varepsilon l_1 \]
\[ \theta_3 = \theta_2 + s_2 + \mu v_2 \\ \theta_3 = \theta_2 - \varepsilon l_2 - \mu \varepsilon l_1 \\ \theta_3 = \theta_2 - \varepsilon \left( l_2 + \mu l_1 \right ) \\ \implies v_3 = - \varepsilon \left( l_2 + \mu l_1 \right) \]
\[ \theta_4 = \theta_3 + s_3 + \mu v_3 \\ \theta_4 = \theta_3 - \varepsilon l_3 - \mu \left[ - \varepsilon \left( l_2 + \mu l_1 \right) \right] \\ \implies v_4 = - \varepsilon \left[ l_3 + \mu \left( l_2 + \mu l_1 \right) \right] \]
You can keep writing out the updates, but with a constant \(\varepsilon\) you can always rearrange so that the update is in the form \(v_t = -\varepsilon d_t\) where \(d_t\) is just the direction of the update. This is also true for NAG and the damped versions. The motivation to do this for QHM is to write the update as a weighted average of gradients so the update can also be seen as a gradient estimator in a stochastic gradient descent context.
The other advantage of this is that in terms of translating from the un-damped expressions to the damped forms, we can always start with the un-damped expression using a momentum coefficient \(\mu^*\) and then transform into the damped expression by rescaling the contributions from the gradient descent and momentum, and then rescaling the learning rate, to compensate, i.e.:
\[ \theta_{t+1} = \theta_t -\varepsilon \left(l_t + \mu^* v_t \right) = \\ \theta_t -\frac{\varepsilon}{1 + \mu^*} \left[ \left(1 - \mu \right) l_t + \mu v_t \right] = \\ \theta_t - \left(1 - \mu \right) \varepsilon \left[ \left(1 - \mu \right) l_t + \mu v_t \right] \]
\[ \mu = \frac{\mu^*}{1 + \mu^*} \]
As noted in the paper, this shrinks the update by a factor of \(1 - \mu\) and this can be compensated by increasing \(\varepsilon\) accordingly.
Note also that the recommended setting of the damped momentum coefficient \(\mu = 0.999\) in QHM would therefore translate to a very large undamped momentum coefficient of \(\mu^* = 999\).
For completeness (and my own edification), we can take the same approach with unified momentum and have the learning rate apply to the entire direction of the update (\(d_t\)) rather than just the steepest descent direction and therefore get an update that is a weighted average of gradients. To make life easier notationally by removing lots of negative signs, here’s one more definition, the steepest descent direction: \(p_t \overset{\mathrm{def}}{=} -\nabla f\left(\theta_t \right)\).
The resulting unified momentum expression below also allows for varying pretty much everything at each step: \(\mu\), \(\varepsilon\) and \(\beta\) although I don’t have any suggestions for how you would go about tuning these values:
\[ \theta_{t+1} = \theta_t + \varepsilon_t \left[ \left( 1 + \beta_t \mu_t \right)\left(1 - \mu_t \right) p_t + \mu_t d_{t-1} - \beta_{t-1} \left(1 - \mu_{t-1} \right) \mu_t p_{t-1} \right] \]