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t-SNE is primarily a visualization technique, so the best way to analyze how well the embedding has performed is to just look at the results. The Visualization section has a lot to say on that. But there have been some attempts to quantify the success of an embedding.

I will warn you ahead of time, these functions can be slow, because they compare every data point to every other data point multiple times. Try them out on a small (100-1000) subset of your data first, and preferably on at least two sizes, so you can get a feel for both the absolute time it takes and how they scale.

roc_auc_embed and pr_auc_embed

When the data has obvious categories for each point (e.g. every observation in the MNIST dataset is a digit from 0-9), you can treat every observation as if it was a binary classifier. Once again using MNIST as an example, you would hope that the close neighbors of an ‘8’ digit are other ‘8’ digits, both in the input space and the output space.

Every point then brings with it its own classification result: rank all the other points by their distance, and treat every point in the same category as a positive classification, and every other point as a negative classification. You can now calculate the area under the ROC curve (ROC AUC) or the area under the Precision-Recall curve (PR AUC) for each point. The PR AUC has become more popular recently because it is more sensitive to class imbalance, which is likely to affect us if we use the embedding results in this way.

Two useful papers on this are The relationship between Precision-Recall and ROC curves (PDF) and Area under precision-recall curves for weighted and unweighted data.

To calculate the ROC AUC and the PR AUC, you need to install and load the PRROC package:


Also, you must export the output distance matrix as part of the embedding procedure:

iris_tsne <- sneer(iris, ret = c("dy")) # "dy" means the output distance matrix

See the Exported Data section for details on what extra data can be exported and how.

Then, sneer package exports two functions to calculate the ROC AUC and PR AUC, which need the distance matrix and a vector of factors that will identify each point’s category:

pr_iris <- pr_auc_embed(iris_tsne$dy, iris$Species) # PR AUC data
roc_iris <- roc_auc_embed(iris_tsne$dy, iris$Species) # ROC AUC data

Both of these functions return a list with two items. av_auc contains a single numeric value, which is the AUC averaged over every all the AUCs calculated (one per observation). For more detail, there is the label_av item, which is itself another list. This list provides the average AUC for every label. This can help you detect if there is a particular class that isn’t clustered very well.

In terms of knowing how well you’re doing: both the PR AUC and the ROC AUC give a value of 1 for perfect recall. If the results are no better than random the ROC AUC will be 0.5. For PR AUC, random results gives a number equal to the proportion of those positive labels in the whole dataset, e.g. if you were using a category that is 10% of the data, a random PR AUC would be 0.1. Therefore, if you have unequal class populations, the “random” av_auc value for PR AUC will be different for each data set.

You may also want to include the input distances "dx" in the ret argument and run the same function on the input distance matrix. This should provide an upper bound on how well the embedded results can do. But it is possible that somehow the embedded results actually provide better clustering than the raw data.

Using the embedding as a retrieval experiment and evaluating the PR AUC was done in the ws-SNE paper.


ROC AUC and PR AUC only works if you have some categories to classify each point in the dataset into. An alternative approach would be to look at the nearest neighbors of each point, in the input space and in the embedded space. If they tend to have the same nearest neighbors, then the local neighborhood around each point has been preserved, which is often all that you are interested in with probability-based embedding methods.

The neighbor preservation method quantifies this. You have to provide the size of neighborhood, k, you’re interested in (like the perplexity used in Input Initialization)

To calculate the neighor preservation for a given k, first, make sure your embedding result also returns both the input distance matrix (dx) and the ouput distance matrix (dy). Then use the nbr_pres function:

iris_tsne <- sneer(iris, ret = c("dx", "dy")) # dx is the input distance matrix
nbr25 <- nbr_pres(iris_tsne$dx, iris_tsne$dy, k = 25) # returns a vector

You will get back a vector containing the preservation for each point. It ranges from 0 (no neighbors in common) to 1 (all neighbors the same). With random performance, you’d expect a value around k / n, with n being the number of observations in the data set.


Because nbr_pres only gives you the results for one neighborhood value, and it’s hard to know what (if any) single value of k to use, an obvious extension is to use all possible values of k and then take a weighted average, with higher weights for smaller neighborhoods. This is what the area under the RNX curve (RNX AUC) does.

iris_tsne <- sneer(iris, ret = c("dx", "dy"))
rnx_iris <- rnx_auc_embed(iris_tsne$dx, iris_tsne$dy)

For the RNX AUC, 1 is perfect neighborhood preservation, and 0 what you would expect from random behavior. The rnx_auc_embed function returns the average RNX AUC value over all observations.

The RNX AUC was used as an evaluation method in the multiscale JSE paper.


If you know for sure you definitely want to calculate all these values, then you can ask sneer to calculate them automatically after the embedding. Pass a character vector to the quality_measures parameter containing one or more of: rocauc (ROC AUC), prauc (PR AUC) or rnxauc (RNX AUC) (these can be abbreviated):

s1k_tsne <- sneer(s1k, quality_measures = c("rocauc", "prauc", "rnxauc"))

# Just the PR AUC
s1k_tsne <- sneer(s1k, quality_measures = c("p"))

The average value will be logged to console and will be returned to as an item on the return list as av_roc_auc, av_pr_auc and av_rnx_auc.

These are just average values across all the points, so if you want access to more details, you should use the standalone functions. And bear in mind that the bigger the dataset, the more time consuming it gets to make these calculations (they are O(N^2) in complexity). This is probably best kept as a convenience for smaller data sets.

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